14 Mar A Flying Start with Redkite in High Wycombe
We’re excited to announce our latest Strive project got off to a great start in High Wycombe recently with our new partners, Redkite Housing. This is out first course in High Wycombe, and we’re delighted to be creating a Strive community in the region. The local residents are just five weeks into a twelve week programme and are already editing business plans and making new connections – some are even securing their first deals.
Our Strivers dived into the start-up world by visiting Buckinghamshire Business First (BBF) in nearby Saunderton, to see how they could get involved in the local business networks springing up there. Following an induction by Business Support Officer Heather Martin today, all our Strivers became members, enabling them to have free access to the BBF hub, a great place to start making those business connections.
We’re thrilled to see that our entrepreneurs are getting stuck into the business opportunities near them, which is exactly what Strive is all about; nurturing business communities in different regions. It is also one of the aims of the Redkite Community Fund, which funded the current Strive programme. Have a look at their video below for more info on what other fantastic schemes they’ve funded so far:
We can’t wait to what these business savvy Strivers will produce over the upcoming weeks!