03 Dec Resident entrepreneurs in the Midlands backed by growing partnership
Aspiring entrepreneurs in Northamptonshire got a huge boost to their dreams of starting a business this week, as three housing associations worked in partnership and pledged an array of support to help them. Their offers of support and grants came during an Awards Day which was the culmination of a twelve week Strive Further programme.
The project was funded by South Northants Homes, Daventry and District Housing and Spire Homes and was an incredible example of the strength of what can be achieved by socially committed housing providers pulling together to work in partnership and benefit their residents.
Our partners, Daventry and District Housing, South Northants Homes and Spire Homes worked together to create a wonderful and rewarding alliance which we feel certain will be built on in the future. Pooling resources, engagement and support enabled us to deliver a unique package of enterprise support for their residents including training, transport, IT access, advice, mentoring and ongoing encouragement.
“We think this is the start of an exciting partnership in the region,” says Richard Lanning from the CUBE team. “We’re hoping even more housing associations will collaborate next year, as there is such potential in the area for further entrepreneurial growth. It’s an exciting time for resident start-ups in the Midlands.”
The awards day celebrated months of hard work from our striving start-ups, as they pitched their ideas to a panel of judges who offered advice, contacts and grants to the new entrepreneurs. Everyone excelled, impressing the panel with their originality and drive.
The project helped a huge variety of start-ups, from a bilingual nursery to bespoke eco-friendly garden furniture to a computer repairs service. Residents were also an incredibly diverse group of all ages and interests, and facing a range of barriers including physical and mental health obstacles, difficult family circumstances and economic barriers. They’re a fantastic group of people proving to us all that everyone can start a business if they’re determined enough and can dare to dream.
To find out more about the project or joining the Midlands partnership, get in touch with the CUBE team here.